Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Heat is On! It's on the ba bah

So I woke up very late today, I had been feeling really horrible yesterday as I have a had a bug for what seems to be months. My legs and more specifically heels felt ok so i headed out for my run..Out the door, down the stairs and woa it's getting hot! Don't get me wrong I ain't complaining, I love the warmth of the California sun, however, this is a new challenge to the feet!

So off I ran around the block and to the well shaded park and gliding long it's concrete perimeter. I am feeling loose and happy to be running, so I decide to mess around with my stride, and experiement with footstrike, bad idea and I know better than this. SO I am headed on my way home and I think to my self what is stuck to the bottom of my foot. I stop and try and brush it off I though maybe I stepped in gum. I realize it is a mondo sized blister on the lateral part of my forefoot! Golly gee...the very part of the footstrike I was experimenting with. I felt great during the run and had no I am now thinking to myself..was it actually improvement and the blister is just a reult of that area of my foot not being used to friction or was it a bad idea.

Anyhow most authorities on running will say don't focus on landing, the foot strike is a result of other movement, leave the foot, ankle, everything relaxed, knees bent, lift the feet quickly under the hip and bang your running like a Kenyan. Well anyhow I got 3.55 miles in for the day. I might have to run on grass tomorrow due to this new mega blister, which will probably anger my heels because of the soft, unstable surface but I digress.

Happpy Trails

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